Pork Cheeks (Carillera)

Ibérico Carrilleras (Cheeks): a culinary masterpiece derived from the jaw of prized Ibérico pigs. Revered for their exceptional tenderness and captivating flavors, these meticulously selected pork cheeks are a highly desired choice among chefs.


Our exquisite Iberico pork is directly sourced straight from La Alberca, a small village in the province of Salamanca, Spain, situated in the pristine Dehesa ecosystem bordering Portugal. Our pigs are Iberian, reared in green pastures and oak groves with pure soils free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. No antibiotics or growth promoting hormones are used and the Iberian pigs are free to roam the open space at all times.

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Serving Suggestions

  • Best braised, sous vide, or slow cooked until very tender. It absorbs the flavors of braising liquid very well.

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